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Saturday, August 18, 2007

postheadericon Well hello everyone!

Happy birthday Kelly, glad you had a good day (and posted for your Grandmom) And Sarah is here, and Heather! Kiera has is too cute!

And Lisa, calling me an old too will be my age...sooner than you think! Yeah, I know I'm old, but hey, it's better than the alternative!! And yes you do need to get Kevin here. There is a Best Western(very nice one) on the waterfront 5 minutes from the house since I know he dosen't like to stay at anyone's house. The winter's here are perfect....75-80 degrees, no humidty...Jan Feb & march are ideal times to visit if you don't like the heat. If he dosen't come soon, his dinner will be like rubber!! it's been waiting for him since this past March!! LOL

Glad you're enjoying all this Mother, and we love your posts too!