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Friday, August 17, 2007

postheadericon Family Reunion

You'll notice I took down the polls. Based on the votes we got, December is best for most of us so we'll plan the Reunion for Saturday, December 8th (Mom's Birthday! Now that's a present she'll like).

It will be in Newport News - Kevin you'll have to decide if you can have it at your place or if there are too many of us we can find somewhere else to hold it.

Why doesn't everyone RSVP to me and we'll get a head count. Keith and I plan to be there so we'll start with 2 attendees.

Debbie, you're off the hook for T-shirts since most respondees to the poll said NO. I think most of us felt sorry for you and didn't want you to have to work that hard!

We will plan on taking lots of photos and will put together a CD as a memento of the

First Annual McLaughlin Family Reunion!