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Saturday, September 22, 2007

postheadericon Mom I'm so sorry to hear about Bonnie

Hey Mom, I'm just now catching up on the news. I am so sorry to hear about Bonnie. My thoughts and prayers are with you and her family!

It seems I've been working non-stop for the past several fact I'm should be at work now but my garage door won't go up (I think the spring broke) and my car is stuck inside. Curt is still at work and I can't get in touch with him so I'm patiently waiting for the service place to call back or for Curt to get home so I can get to work. Not exactly the way I would have planned to get some time off.

Mom have you heard from the doctor yet? I'm looking forward to seeing you next weekend. I don't think I have any books you haven't read but I'll go through them and bring some just in case.

I'm planning to go and see Laura Tuesday. We are going to go to Roanoke for shopping and dinner. She needs a suit for school (something to do with the fraternity she is joining...and yes I said fraternity). I'm really looking forward to seeing her. Last Thursday there was a fire in her apartment building and they are sure it was arson. It seems this year is starting off as stressful as last year (at least for me).