Saturday, July 17, 2010

postheadericon Another day wih Habitat for Humanity

Keith had to work so it was just me today. Wednesday we both volunteered.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Adam sent me some new photos of Caleb, cute isn't he?

Monday, July 12, 2010
We're getting better tomatoes from the store these days but they're not the greatest. I wish I had some home grown ones.

postheadericon Family Walk-Off...and TOMATOES

Hey guys...hope that everyone is enjoying their summer! It has been hot here in Georgia! Mom, Dad and I have started a walk-off. Here a photo of our progress.

And oh yeah my Tomatoes! I found these new Sandwich Rounds, and they are perfect for Tomato Sandwiches. Is any one else enjoying tomatoes yet?
Sunday, July 11, 2010

postheadericon Still testing....

I'm looking at programs for my iPad so please excuse the testing posts...hopefully you'll enjoy the photos!

postheadericon Photos from Kevin

If Kevin will send me some, I'll post them!

The pictures are great. We need some from Kevin's 50th birthday party!

postheadericon testing?

Testing what mom?
Saturday, July 10, 2010

postheadericon Testing

postheadericon Kevin seems to be having fun

For those of you not on Facebook...I lifted this photo to share.

postheadericon Laura's Graduation in May

While I'm lifting Facebook photos how about this one from Laura's graduation.